We've stepped into a new era of beekeeping, one where diseases and pests necessitate unity and collaboration among beekeepers across our region. To safeguard the health of West Virginia's honeybee colonies, we must work together. The West Virginia Master Beekeeper Program is dedicated to this mission, aiming to deliver science-backed education to our existing beekeepers while nurturing future stewards and advocates for honeybees and beekeeping. Together, we can ensure the vitality of our colonies and the future of beekeeping in our state.

This program serves a dual purpose: firstly, to enhance individual beekeeping skills and knowledge through ongoing assessments, and secondly, to bolster the West Virginia Beekeepers Association's capacity to offer valuable resources to both the public and the beekeeping community. It's important to note that the three-tiered certification process is not mandatory for beekeeping in West Virginia or any other state. The West Virginia Master Beekeeper Program is proudly sponsored by the WVBA, with the program director appointed by the WVBA's executive board.

Levels and Requirements

  1. Four months of beekeeping experience is needed prior to taking practical test. This may consist of beekeeping in a mentor’s apiary or in their own apiary.

  2. Be a current West Virginia Beekeepers Association (WVBA) member.

  3. Pass a written test which is given at one of the statewide conferences with a score of 80%.

  4. Pass a practical test which is given at one of the statewide conferences with a score of 80%. The apprentice examination can include but is not limited to describing the physical parts of a beehive (common terms, not regional nomenclature); lighting and properly using a smoker; recognizing the various stages of brood; different castes of bees; and finding or at least describing the queen; differentiating between brood, pollen, and capped honey; recognizing propolis and describing its functions; describing the layout of a brood nest (placement of honey, pollen, and brood).


  1. Three years of beekeeping experience with one year minimum as an Apprentice Beekeeper.

  2. Maintain active membership in the WVBA and maintain a registered apiary in the state of residence at the time of testing.

  3. Pass a written test which is given at one of the statewide conferences with a score of 80%.

  4. Pass a practical test which is given at one of the statewide conferences with a score of 80%.

    In addition to items found at the apprentice level, certified testing will include the following subject areas: seasonal beekeeping requirements; basic history of beekeeping; honey bee biology; identifying basic anatomical structures of a bee and flower; honey production and hive products; pests and diseases (common names, causes and treatments); mite monitoring; queen rearing; identifying honey label errors; and identifying pheromone odors related to bees.

  5. Must perform and be able to document participation in six public service credits.

  6. Submit a log of colony management documenting continuous management activities for 12 successive months. The participant selects the format for his/her log. Although there are numerous ways to document maintenance activities, the log needs to document specific information that includes but is not limited to the following:

    1. Date and time of day

    2. Weather conditions

    3. What is blooming near the hive

    4. Description of what is found: for example, brood pattern, bees bringing in pollen, and smell

    5. Notes of actions taken: for example, mite counts, medications given, and feeding (what and how)

    6. Notes about what needs to be checked, considered, or brought for the next visit

    7. Notes of anything unusual or unexpected: for example, too many drones, aggressive bees, and so forth

    8. Questions to consider, research or discuss with other beekeepers

  7. The guidelines to fulfill the Master Beekeeping requirements for participation in honey shows have been revised to comply with the American Honey Show Training Council (AHSTC). Instead of the previous requirements for 2 blue ribbon quality entries (a score of 92 or above), a total of 15 points is now required under the AHSTC scoring system of:

    1st Place = 6 points

    2nd Place = 5 points

    3rd Place = 4 points

    Commendable = No points

    Acceptable categories include:

    1. Extracted honey

    2. Comb honey, chunk honey, frame of capped honey, and crème honey

    3. Wax

    4. Pollen

    5. Food Products

    6. Lotions, soaps, and balms

    The only honey shows approved for fulfilling certified level requirements are those judged by AHSTC judges. Please check with each show to confirm the judging staff and closely read the competition rules that are unique to each honey show. Please use the Master Beekeeping Honey Tally Sheet found below to record your awards and points.


  1. Five years of beekeeping experience with one year minimum as Certified Beekeeper. 

  2. Maintain active membership in the WVBA since earning the Certified Level and   

    maintain a registered apiary in the state of residence at the time of testing.

  3. Pass a written test which is given at one of the statewide conferences with a score of


  4. Pass a practical test which is given at one of the statewide conferences with a score of 80%.  Advanced level testing will include all the previous level subjects with the addition of scientific names of pests/diseases and honey bee species; pollination; basic native bee information and identification; pesticides; identifying pests, parasites and pathogens including microscopic identification; reading pesticide labels and determining which is the safest to use around bees; identifying several beekeeping items; distinguishing between bees, wasps, hornets and Africanized bees; basic understanding of ripening, storage and harvesting of honey and bee products; and major WV nectar sources. More emphasis will be placed on short essay answers.

  5. Six additional service credits within a three-year period for a total of twelve credits.

  6. Presentation of a talk on an approved topic.  Presentation to the general assembly of the WVBA at a fall or spring conference or at the Honey Bee Expo is preferred although a presentation in a breakout session will be accepted only if prior application and acceptance of the topic is obtained.  Upon application for the presentation, a master beekeeper mentor will be assigned to the candidate to assist in the preparation of the project to insure a lecture of the highest quality.


Important Forms